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Why would I need someone to go into my home if I have a remote thermostat and security cameras?

During a round of golf with a Naples friend, he asked me this question.    

I could understand where he was coming from because he’d never had an issue at his house, yet. But there are so many things that can happen that thermostats and security systems don’t cover.  I shared with him the following information and he had second thoughts.

Be Aware of Your Insurance Policy

Many insurance policies don’t cover damage if your home isn’t checked on a regular basis while you’re away.  *Check with your individual insurance policy for specifics.

Imagine if no one had been in your house for a month and there was a slow leak in one of the bathrooms not covered by a camera.  A month goes by, the surrounding floors, fixtures and drywall swell and all need to be removed. Plus the added moisture means that there is a layer of mold all over your house.  

You call your insurance company only to be informed that since the house wasn’t inspected weekly/biweekly then your policy is void. This does happen regularly. Once they are notified of damage they’ll often insist you complete the repairs in a timeframe that they specify (6 months, 1 year etc.) or cancel your coverage.  

What Your Nest Thermostat Might Miss

These thermostats are a great tool to oversee the temperature and humidity of your home and are definitely a plus for absentee homeowners. However, they won’t be able to detect a mold problem starting in your car in your garage. Imagine coming back to a moldy car after a couple months away!  

What happens if there is a storm that knocks out power to your house for a week?  You won’t know what’s happening at your home! An Estate Management professional will do post-storm inspections and make sure that the humidity levels are kept safe until power is restored.

Security Cameras

Security cameras provide good insight into the activities of your home and provide alerts when people are at the door.  These are great systems and they can scare off possible theft as villains can see the camera.

Keep in mind that security cameras can be vulnerable though too. A clever intruder will likely know all about security cameras and may have figured out ways to go undetected.

If you have a Ring or other type of door camera, remember to make sure it is not dependent on your home wi-fi system if you put your cable on vacation mode while you’re away.

What Your Thermostat and Security Cameras Don’t Cover That An Estate Manager Will

You control your thermostat from afar and make sure that the temperature is set right to avoid humidity issues. Your security cameras will alert you to possible intruders.  But there is a long list of things an Estate Management company will do to head off other problems.

  • Pick up junk mail and items left in your driveway or front door. This will help make sure that opportunistic criminals are not alerted to your absence.
  • Notice and address unwanted vermin entering the home before it becomes a full-blown infestation.  One mouse is bad. Left alone for a month that one mouse will become a family that will destroy furniture and creates untold damage.  I’ve come across several mouse droppings on a windowsill that weren’t there on the previous visit. We immediately dealt with it and saved the client (who didn’t return for another month) damages.
  • Verify that subcontractors are fulfilling their obligations. If you are away, how can you verify that the services you pay for are actually being provided? We all like to think we can trust our vendors, but how can you tell for sure? 
  • Water poses potential harm in warm weather environments due to mold and in freezing environments due to busted pipes. A professional Estate Management company is trained to spot potential problems. They will also run the water to prevent seals from drying out and mold from developing in your lines.

You’ve already invested several million dollars in your Naples home, it merits paying several thousand dollars a year to not only protect your investment but also take away any hassles of dealing with such issues.