239.631-9586 Info@NaplesLHS.com

Don’t Let These Things Slip Past Your Radar While Your Home is Vacant This Year

Every year thousands of seasonal residents shut down their beautiful Florida homes and return North to their summer homes. But before you go, it’s important to make sure your home is prepared for an extended absence and to ensure that it’s properly cared for and regularly inspected until you return.

While you are away, your Naples home should be checked at least twice per month, with larger homes needing to be checked weekly or sometimes twice a week. Who can you trust to care for your home if there is an issue? A friend or neighbor may seem like a good idea now, but what we saw happen during Ian & Irma might make you think twice about asking such a big favor.

We saw many ‘Home Watch’ people leave Naples before the storm and returned when power was restored, unlike the professional Home Watch organizations that had plans in place to visit the home right after the storm passed even using boats to visit homes where downed trees made it prohibitive to visit the home by land.

It was extremely important to visit the home ASAP after the storm to evaluate damage and get restoration/remediation plans in place to minimize any further damage and mitigate potential mold issues.

The poor homeowners who thought they had someone look after the home now had no way of knowing what happened at their home after the storm, which was not only incredibly stressful but also much more costly for them.

The Most Important Piece: Secure a Professional and Reputable Company

A professional Estate Management company will work with you to make sure that nothing is overlooked before you leave, and routinely inspect your home and regularly communicate with you while you are away. We believe it’s the single most important thing you can do to ensure the well-being of your home until your return.

Choosing a company that is trained in monitoring and servicing homes will ensure the best care for your home.  Through your contract, you will also be provided some protection in case an issue does arise. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that a reputable company is overseeing your investment.

An Estate Management company will work with you to complete the following or you can also complete this list on your own. Whatever you decide, the following is a great checklist to review before you go to prepare your home and note what should be checked while you’re away.

Before You Go

Make a List of All Vendors and Companies That Provide Service to Your Home

This includes companies like alarm companies, air conditioning services, cleaning services, electricians, plumbers, pool and lawn maintenance companies, pest control, handyman, window cleaners, and pressure washing companies. It’s a good idea to also attach copies of contracts you have with these companies to your list. Make two copies of everything and leave one copy with your Estate Management company and take one with you. Should a problem arise, your Estate Management company will have the information needed to resolve the situation.

Document the Settings of Your Home

If your power goes out for an extended period of time, the timers will need to be reset. Make sure to capture air conditioner, humidistat, light timers, pool pumps, and sprinkler settings. Your Estate Management company will be able to reset everything right away without having to get in touch with you first.

Change Batteries and Purchase Backups Where Possible  

Changing the batteries in your smoke detectors, thermostat,  humidistat, and the alarm will help ensure there are no dead devices while you’re away. Keeping additional batteries on hand wherever possible for the Estate Management company will also mean minimal downtime.

Make a List of Everyone Who Has Your House Keys

It’s a good idea to do this at least once a year and review the list for anyone who no longer needs access to your home. If the list has changed since last year you might consider updating your security codes or changing the locks. Include homeowner associations, property managers, neighbors, and service providers.

Take Photos of the Inside and Outside of Your Home for Insurance Purposes

In case insurable damage occurs we recommend that you take photos both inside and outside of your home. Be sure to take pictures of the actual contents of your home, like art, furniture, TVs, computers, and appliances for replacement purposes.

Clean Out Your Refrigerator

Whether you leave your fridge running or unplug it, you’ll need to remove perishables. If you shut down the fridge, makes sure it’s clean and the doors are propped open to prevent mold from forming.

We love the idea of donating your extra food items to one of our local Naples food banks before you go. Collier Harvest operates a surplus food program throughout the year delivering food to dozens of food pantries and agencies that feed the hungry on a daily basis. If you are headed north before mid-May you can take your pantry items to the U.S. Post Office on Goodlette-Frank Road or to the Coco River U.S. Post Office on Immokalee Road during regular post office hours.

Thoroughly Clean Your Home

Not only will it be nicer for you to return to a clean home, it will also help to minimize pests. Your Home Watch company will be able to quickly spot any problems quickly minimizing damage. We can arrange a full clean of your home upon both your departure and before the return if requested.

Secure Porch and Pool Furniture

Some people choose to leave their furniture out when they leave.  Your Home Watch company will be able to store furniture and install shutters before storms and return everything to normal after.

Discontinue Mail and Newspaper Deliveries

While you’re away you don’t want mail to pile up alerting potential criminals of your absence. However, we know that sometimes you can’t discontinue every mail item. We will collect any mail that does come during our regular inspections and forward it to you if you’d like.

Unplug Everything or Have an Electrician Install a Full-Home Surge Protector

Power surges occur, especially during storms in Naples. A surge can enter your home through the phone, electrical, cable, or data lines and can destroy expensive electronics. We’ve seen homeowners decline surge protection and replace expensive cable boxes multiple times!  A surge protector can save you lots of money in the long run.

While You’re Away 

Inspect All Plumbing Fixtures and Address Potential Issues

A professional Home Watch company will be able to perform the home check and be able to spot potential problems. Should any problems arise when you’re away, we will be able to address it on your behalf.  During regular home visits, we also run the water to prevent gaskets and seals from drying out and mold from developing in your lines.

Check All Windows and Doors for Defects

Your Home Watch company will check to make sure the locks and alarm are working at all points of entry.  Should the alarm go off, we will work your alarm company to ensure there are no problems.

Check Your Home’s Temperature and Humidity

Your humidistat should be set to ‘On’ and your thermostat between 76′ – 78′. Allowing a little bit of light filter through your blinds and curtains will also help to control humidity.

Vehicle Protection

The Naples humidity will do damage to your car in an ill-equipped garage and much quicker than you’d think!  Your car can quickly develop interior mold. Bare metal surfaces like your brake rotors, when left unused, will develop light surface rust.  Light surface rust will eventually turn into heavy surface rust, which will cause problems.  Your Home Watch company will monitor humidity in your garage and if you’d like, run and drive your vehicle to prevent rust or mold problems along with ensuring that car batteries do not die. Trickle chargers can be used, however, check with your car manufacturer to receive details about how often your vehicle should be driven as all makes and models differ.  Also, make sure a car drive agreement is in place with your Home Watch provider.

We hope that you find this list helpful before you leave for an extended period.  You should also be sure to ask your insurance company if there are any vacant home conditions to meet.  Some insurance companies require inspections to be completed in strict time frames while you are away.  Not meeting these requirements could make your insurance void.

If you’d like to learn more about our home watch services, click here.

Happy travels and see you soon!